Sunday, December 11, 2022

 How to find our meaning of life?

Know that you are absolutely required. If you are not in this universe there will be something missing. The universe will be imperfect.

The world is perfect because you are here. So to find out what’s your purpose and meaning is. It means to find out what special capacity do I have so Allah will work from behind me and Allah will provide something else that no one can provide. That’s what our search is and that is what our meaning is.

- Shu'ayb Eric Winkel

 When doing translation in the first time I could spend a month on one paragraph of mystery of purity (thaharah). But once I understood that one paragraph, the rest of the chapter began to explain themselves. So I learn very quickly to halt and learn, to stay where I am and try to understand what’s happening in the sentences. So I stay on that, I didn’t jumped over. I didn’t do “dot…dot…dot…” in part where I didn’t fill in. I waited and I waited and I waited until I understand what was being given.

- Shu'ayb Eric Winkel on how he translated Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Friday, December 9, 2022

 Kalau kau buta, bagaimana mungkin menuntun orang lain? Hanya orang awas yang bisa menuntun orang lain.

Hanya perenang tangguh yang dapat menyelamatkan manusia dari amukan ombak. Sesungguhnya orang akan kembali kepada Allah karena dia mengetahui-Nya, sementara kalau dia tidak mengenal-Nya, bagaimana mungkin menuntun orang lain kepada-Nya?
- Syaikh Abdul Qadir Jailani

Saturday, December 3, 2022

 Kalau kita masih merasa terseret-seret oleh takdir, itu tanda bahwa kita belum mengenal diri.

- Ustadz Nu'aim Badrul Kamal dalam Kajian Al Hikam, 30 November 2022

Friday, December 2, 2022

 The more I study Futuhat, the more Al Quran becomes a living text to me. The more I study Futuhat, the more I love the beloved Prophet Muhammad salallahu ‘alaihi wassalam.

- Shu'ayb Eric Winkel

 The more I study Futuhat, the more Al Quran becomes a living text to me.

- Shu'ayb Eric Winkel